I come with a word

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What is a word. Exactly what is a word? In the essence of all that is love, just what and where and how is a word?

I come to this holy ground with a ragtag unkempt bag of hot air. I come with a word. Which one matters not. It’s meaning simply a fleeting puff of air.

Let me set it before you.

There it is. Just one word – it could be any word.

You don’t see anything? Do you mean to tell me you cannot see my word? I have travelled far to share this word with you, to seek your thoughts, to listen to your advice, to learn what I should change in my life because of this word. And you tell me you cannot see it?

Let me describe what I see. Maybe then your eyes will be opened.

I see a wormhole. I see a power. I see a vehicle of transport. I see everything through this word. For it connects my soul with all others. It connects my thoughts with all thoughts. Without this word I am a disconnect. I am alone.

Yet I carry it with me. For many miles I have felt its weight upon my back. It weighs me down and lifts me up. It transports me and wearies me. It fashions both the lightness of love and the darkness of evil.

It is a key.

Can you see it yet? My word before you. It writhes with pure energy. It twists this way and that. It has power, this word. It is both malelovelent and angelic. Both giving life and taking it away. Look at it, there on the ground before you. It is my drug. My poison. It rules me. It owns me. It wishes to devour me. If I allow.

In my travels this word and I have become one. It knows my thoughts, my hopes, my fears, my passion. It breeds. It multiplies. It populates the air. My air. Your air. It is and always will be. It is eternal.

Tell me you now see this despicable thing in front of you. Tell me I am not mad. Let me find peace, let me find sleep undisturbed.

Still no? Still nothing? Who is mad, who is not? Me for bringing this heavy burden, or you for not? I no longer know. But I hope. I have hope of one day finding another. Another who sees as I see, who picks at this word, who sees it here before me. I must hope. I must.

Let me sit here awhile. Let me be amongst you. Let me breathe as you breathe. I am tired of wandering alone. So tired of being alone.

Do not fear! I am no danger to you. I come to rest. Only to rest. For my word never does. It is ceaseless, it demands and it is relentless. And still you say you see nothing … Nothing?

I must be mad.

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